Fly now & pay later
We offer a convenient and easy way to buy flight tickets that helps you manage your budget.
Fly now & pay later enables you spread the cost of flight bookings into small payments or installments over a period of 4 months with zero initial deposit at a 10% interest rate.
This service is exclusive to our F1 clients on study visas to the U.S. It requires no pre-planning as you can book today & fly tomorrow without having to pay until a later date.

Flexi-repayment on your terms
This is an ideal payment option for last-minute, spontaneous or unbudgeted travel. Installments can be paid back monthly, weekly or bi-weekly, depending on an agreeable term that suits you best.
Don’t look to the sky when you can simply speak to us
We could be the ideal partner that helps you get over life’s little financial humps.